The very first sound we hear in our life is the heartbeat. It is the pounding of our mothers’ heart, connected and harmonized with our own heartbeat. We have been living and growing through that sound when we were in her womb, floating between two worlds, the Spirit World and The Human World. The sound of our mothers’ heart sang about her love for us and taught us that life is about loving. It prepared us to be ready to see the light, to live a new life, a new creation and to trust and to love that new experience.
When we use the drum for healing, we can go back to that place between two worlds and we can connect back to that first experience, to that innocent and pure, loving and peaceful state of being. We can connect back to the beginning of Creation and to the Source of Life, to the unconditional love of our Universal parents, our Mother the Earth and our Father the Great Spirit. From that safe and loving place, we can enter in other forms of awareness and travel to higher realms of existence.
The Ceremonial Drum is a sacred instrument, a tool for healing our hearts, our lives, our families and communities’ life and for healing our relationship with Mother Earth, with the Creator and with All Our Relations. It’s an instrument to help to express who we really are in our hearts, an instrument to create balance, harmony, unity and happiness. It’s an instrument that can dissolve the darkness and let in the light.
The drum has the same mysterious quality like the fire burning in the night, attracting people to unite around them and can open hidden doors in our soul and in the soul of others. The sound of the drum makes us want to sing, to dance, to open up and to share in harmony. The drum invites us to express what is in our hearts.
It can reveal sacred wisdom, connect to spiritual forces, generate spiritual strength, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing and change our frequency to a higher state of being. It all depends on our intention and the way we work with it.
The ceremonial drum traditionally has been created through several ceremonial stages and has been treated and used with great respect. There are personal drums and community drums. Both used for healing and celebration of life, on the individual and on the community level.
The sacred drum reminds us that we are all related, we are all family. We all come to this world in the same way and we live, we grow and we die like everybody else. We come from the same source, share the same heartbeat, the same place to live, the same color of blood, that we are all human beings.
Life is a gift and all things in life are gifts, originally unconditional gifts. In the Native North American Tradition, the drum, like other Sacred Objects, has been used in a spiritual way. It has to come to us in a spiritual way. When it comes, it signals that we are ready to learn to listen to our heart, to start to work with our heart and to follow spiritual guidance. It comes like an unconditional gift from a spiritual Elder, a spiritual person, or through a spiritual dream or vision with instruction to making it or through a strong inner knowing that we are meant to make one and to work with it for our healing.
To buy or to have a drum or any other object can’t turn anybody into a spiritual person. We are already spiritual beings, but to work with the Spirit through sacred objects or to become a healer, is not a personal choice in the Native North American Tradition, but the choice of the Spirit. It requires being gifted, and a willingness to nourish and develop farther those gifts through a spiritual way of life. It involves selfless service in the benefit of all beings. The drum like any other object will be sacred, if it’s treated with respect and honor and used in a spiritual way.
The Animal Being who offers her skin for the drum has to give away her life for us and her Giveaway is sacred, it is for the well-being and happiness of the People. Teaching us that we all have to make sacrifices for our healing and our happiness and that it is possible if we do it with the intention to help other beings.
The hoop of the drum is the Sacred Circle of the People, a gift from the Sacred Tree of Life, an offering of a Tree Being and his Giveaway is sacred, it is for the well-being and happiness of the People. Teaching us the strength of the circle, that in the Circle of Life we are all related, all equals and strong together, that we need to help and support each other with our gifts, to be able to live in unity and harmony.
May the ancient ways of the Ancestors touch and heal our hearts and our lives in a sacred way through the sound of the Healing Drum.
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If you want to organize ceremony, teaching or healing with me, send me your inquiry and I will answer as soon as I can.
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